The World of Indonesian Textile

This book introduces the full range of textile found in Indonesia today, and includes warp, weft, and double ikat, suplementary warp and weft weaving, tie-dyeing, and both stamped and hand drawn batik. It explains technique, tools, and dyestuffs, and uses common motifs and layouts to trace the influence on textile design of early immigrants, Buddhism, India, Islam, Dutch colonialist, Chinese settlers, and event the fixtures of twentieth-century life.
BK00003531 | 677.00995 war.t | (Lemari C (MATTIEBELLE)) | Available |
Published | Tokyo : Kodansha International, 1981 |
Description |
200 hal; 30,2 cm x 22,9 cm
Language |
Subjects | |
Donor |
Mattiebelle Gittinger